Everyone is looking to increase their metabolism and burn more fat, but in terms of how to increase it the majority choose the wrong way which makes the metabolism slow instead of increasing it.
The fat burning mechanism is a natural process in the body, everyone has their own metabolism. The latter indicates the ability of our body to use the energy that we provide it through our diet. Thus, a high metabolism allows better use of calories ingested and fats installed for energy purposes because burning means producing energy such as movement and walking and physiological processes such as digestion and the work of the heart, kidneys, liver and blood circulation.
But the burn rate can increase and you can produce more energy if you do these steps. Here are some tips to restart the metabolic machine and finally burn your fat!
1.Instead of practicing cardio for hours and straining the body and forcing it to produce the stress hormone that prevents the fat burning mechanism, you can choose a type of sport that you prefer and practice it for an hour a day. At least 30 minutes of exercise every day accelerates metabolism and increases calorie expenditure.
2.Instead of using fat burning pills that destroy this mechanism and increase fat storage over time when you stop eating them (because you won’t eat them throughout your life), you can maintain an active lifestyle and avoid sitting for long periods of time.
Eat more to burn more! Our metabolism speeds up every time we eat. This is why it is better to eat 4 to 5 light meals per day instead of the usual 2 to 3 larger meals. Indeed, splitting the daily energy intake makes nutrients more easily usable by the body, which avoids the phenomenon of saturation.
3.Instead of skipping meals, because you think that everything you eat is stored directly as fat. By skipping a meal, do you think you’re taking a step forward in your diet? It’s quite the opposite, you send your body a signal of deprivation against which it will put in place a reinforced storage plan! So to avoid it, you can eat regular and balanced meals while maintaining pleasure.
4.Instead of reducing your calorie intake (too few calories per day), which will cause you vitamin deficiencies. You can eat as your body needs to help eat all the nutrients that help maintain a normal burning process. And it will be necessary to favor mainly proteins, but also complex carbohydrates and unsaturated lipids.
What would you choose and do you do wrong thinking you were burning?