4 natural remedies to treat swollen feet and ankles

Ingredients :

500ml of water.
5 tablespoons of fresh parsley.
Preparation :

– Start by boiling 500ml of water, then finely chop the parsley roots and leaves and then add them to the boiling water.


– Let everything boil for another 5 minutes, then remove from the heat, let cool for 20 minutes and drain
Consume this parsley infusion three times a day.

4 natural remedies to treat swollen feet and ankles
Having swollen feet and legs can quickly become very disabling to deal with on a daily basis. This annoying and unsightly swelling, called edema in medical jargon, can prevent some women from wearing their favorite skirts, dresses and heels. Sometimes this symptom is accompanied by pain when waking up or at the end of the day. Due to an accumulation of fluids in the lower limbs, edema can be the cause of a sneaky disease in certain cases. Let’s review the factors that can cause this swelling in the feet and ankles and the natural ways to relieve it.
The different causes of swollen feet
4 Natural Remedies to Relieve Swollen Feet and Ankles
8 tips to combat water retention
Very common, swelling of the feet can be accompanied by other symptoms such as tingling, the appearance of small capillaries, veins or varicose veins, discomfort when standing or even redness. Although this sign is generally benign, it can sometimes be caused by a specific pathology. If you do not suffer from a health problem responsible for this swelling, you can opt for natural remedies to alleviate this inconvenience.

The different causes of swollen feet
Water retention
The first cause that we suspect when there is swelling of the feet is water retention. Indeed, poor blood circulation can lead to accumulation of blood in the veins of the lower limbs. The veins expand and become porous. Thus, the circulating water ends up penetrating the cells which fill and cause the tissues to swell. Generally, pregnant women are most affected by this problem, especially in the last months of pregnancy. The uterus, which puts pressure on blood vessels in the abdomen, can impair blood circulation and lead to swelling of the lower extremities.

Diabetes is a disease characterized by chronic hyperglycemia. This increase in blood sugar can narrow blood vessels and impair blood circulation in the lower limbs. Thus, people with diabetes may suffer from pain or swelling in their feet and/or ankles.

A diet that is too salty
Consuming frozen meals, industrial products and foods high in salt can cause water retention and the appearance of edema.

Premenstrual disorders
As their period approaches, some women suffer from water retention. Interviewed by the Journal des Femmes, Dr Odile Bagot, gynecologist, explains that this symptom is caused by an estrogen-progesterone imbalance which causes water to stagnate in the body. As a result, women can gain weight and feel bloated.

Renal failure
This swelling in the feet and ankles can reveal a pathology such as kidney failure, especially when the kidney is unable to properly eliminate fluids from the body.

The heat
In some cases, swelling of the lower limbs occurs in summer and when it is particularly hot.

Wearing unsuitable shoes
Shoes that are too narrow can cause blood vessels to dilate and cause swelling in the feet.

According to Dr Handschuh, general practitioner, it is absolutely necessary to consult your GP “if the swelling affects only one foot, if it causes swelling of the calf and if it occurs after a prolonged period of immobilization”. Indeed, it can be a symptom of phlebitis, a silent, potentially fatal disease.
4 Natural Remedies to Relieve Swollen Feet and Ankles
If this swelling of the feet and ankles is annoying to bear, there are natural tips to relieve it:

The mint bath
To soothe swelling in your feet and ankles, you can prepare a mint bath.

Ingredients :

¼ cup mint leaves
4 cups of water
Preparation :
Put the mint leaves in a saucepan containing 4 cups of water. Bring to a boil then remove from heat and let infuse for 10 minutes. Leave to cool then pour the mixture into a bowl. Soak your feet in it for 25 minutes.

Tonic water
Tonic water is an effective grandmother’s remedy for water retention. In a large bucket or basin, pour tonic water at room temperature. Soak your feet in this solution for about thirty minutes to reduce inflammation.

The salt water bath
You can use sea salt or Epsom salt to reduce swelling. In a basin filled with water, add a handful of salt and mix. Soak your feet for 20 minutes to relax your muscles and reduce swelling.

Higher intakes of magnesium
A magnesium deficiency can lead to fluid accumulation in body tissues. To reduce edema, it may be helpful to check for any deficiencies by consulting a doctor. In addition, the foods richest in magnesium are spinach, dark chocolate, green vegetables, nuts and dried fruits. Don’t deprive yourself of it!

8 tips to combat water retention

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